
A guide through Quantum TEA applications

Quantum TEA Leaves

Quantum TEA Leaves is a base library for Quantum TEA tensor network package. It contains the tensor network ansatz and operator classes, observables, models, and simulation interfaces. All the algorithms for solving the Schrödinger and Lindblad equation are implemented here. The simulation backends are tunable between CPU, GPU, and mixed precision.

With qtealeaves you can run simulations with non-symmetric Numpy/Cupy tensors. Other tensor backends are available with qredtea.

Newest available: v1.5.x

pip install qtealeaves

Source code here.

Quantum Matcha TEA

Quantum Matcha TEA is a logical quantum computer emulator powered by matrix product states. You can use it to simulate quantum circuits defined with the Qiskit API or directly from its own API. The support for MPI is available.

Having access to the final state, you can perform any measurement accessible on a quantum computer, such as projective measurements or local observables. However, you have access to much more: for example the entanglement entropy between different subsystems and optimized methods to sample the final state.

Newest available: v1.4.x

pip install qmatchatea

Note: Installing qmatchatea with pip installs qtealeaves and qredtea as the dependencies.

Source code here.

Quantum Red TEA

Quantum Red TEA is a supplementary library for qtealeaves and qmatchatea. It enables different tensor backends and switching between standard non-symmetric tensors and Abelian symmetric tensors. Available tensor classes are Pytorch, TensorFlow, and Jax.

Newest available: v0.2.x

pip install qredtea

Note: Installing qredtea with pip installs qtealeaves as a dependency.

Source code here.

Quantum Chai TEA - coming soon

Quantum Chai TEA is a library specialized in machine learning applications of tensor networks. The library is currently in preparation.